Yesterday Daisy was spayed. Having been to the vet the previous week, she was no more excited to be carried through the door again, regardless of what awaited her.
The vet called midday to let me know that the surgery was successful, and confirmed Daisy was not in heat again. I would pick her up at the end of the day when she had had more fluids and was more alert.
The vet fitted the Comfy Cone on her but it was clearly disrupting her vision and balance. We made it into the car, pulled away and in less than 3 minutes she had the cone off!
The one thing we've noticed about Daisy is that she doesn't cry or complain. We have accidentally stepped on her paws or bumped into her, never mind the pain of surgery. Not a peep. It's actually been very difficult to tell whether she is in pain post-surgery, so we are managing the meds on regular intervals. She just wants to be as close to us as possible, never letting us out of her sight.
Today I kept her quiet, which was actually easier than it seemed at first. Let's see how the next 9 days go!